Monday, October 13, 2008

Addressing the State

Hmmm......Well I was talking to my sister Terry and she actually had me thinking..... She asked me if I saw women as a minority and did I see myself as a feminist. At first the question made my head hurt, but then we started talking about it and I came to realize that I do see women as a minority in cases of power which was the context of which she was asking. I already knew that I considered myself a feminist. I met an author that was a feminist and she wrote a book on it. I wanted the book, but I couldn't buy it at the time. She had read the first few pages of it and I loved it. I wish I could remember the title of it. But yeah she also asked me if the word feminist came off as aggressive. And when I thought about it, it does. But I know about the word and feminist people and it's not what everybody thinks. Its not like " Oh we hate men. Women can this. Women can't do that." It's more I can't explain it well but it's not aggressive at all. I think I'm going to see if I can look up the book, but if its anything like In A Country Of Mothers I'm going to jump off my 16 floored building. But its type late.....I think I should go to bed before my mother gets home and I get a hell of a yell. O_O LOL yeah ok...... Oh the war is still on.... No battles 2dai tho.... I think I might start the book tonight......OR maybe not considering how tired I kind of feel. Night night people. Quote of the blog: "Every one is entilted to be stupid, but you are abusing the privilege"

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