Tuesday, October 4, 2011


I can't.
I can't.
I can't.

It shouldn't take so much just to think.
To talk.
To breathe.

To write.
To cry.
To feel.

I'm caving in and crashing down.
Crashing deep in and around.

I'm lost and scared.
Things wont leave me alone.
Bothering me.
Old things wont die as new things are being born.
Over population is a problem
and my world couldn't hold much in the first place.

Giving up is a option
Just as good as the rest.
And the harder things get
The more it seems like the best.

My heart is beating too fast
Too hard.
Too loud.

I don't
I wont
I can't...

I don't know what to do.
What to feel
to think

I wont feel
watch, listen, laugh, cry.

I can't help it.
Can't help but break.
Break down, break up.
Be broken. Broken can't talk.
How do you fix broken.
I can't fix it
I can't be fixed.

And I can't help but crash.

Monday, October 3, 2011


Its such a powerful feeling when you hear that song that you just want to get lost in... Its then that you push your headphones into your ears in a vain attempt to push the music into yourself or yourself into the music.... There's just a unyielding urge to be suffocated by it from the inside out. It makes me want to drown inside out. To cease to exist... To no longer feel my fingers against the headphones. Not the T.V in the backround. Not me sitting in this chair or feeling of something under my feet. Not even feel myself breathing. Just feel the song. I need the vibrations from this song to come at me from every where possible. And never stop. It makes me want to sacrifice my hearing if only to experience a time where music consumes all else... Songs like that are dangerous.