Sunday, December 28, 2008

My "Now" everyday thoughts

This school year..... I could tell it was going to be a bad year. Or at least it was going to start off that way. I didn't know it would be like this. Its not all that bad but still. So many things are happening and there are so many things I have to deal with. Things I need to take care of. So many things resurfacing and not all of it said. When the school year first started it was unlike any other. I had went to summer school in the summer. It wasn't even my fault. Ya pass all ya classes so you'd never have ta go but what happens any way. Seems like there was no point to passing my classes even though there was. I had never been to summer school before and that messed with me that I went. UGH I"M TIRED OF ALWAYS HAVING SHIT TO TALK ABOUT! So annoying. This entry will be cut short because I'm too lazy to finish it but it was all going to go to the point that this college shit is stupid and I'm not sure if I'll get in(mainly because the way I am has one and I'm still procrastinating) And my retarded(i spelled retarded wrong the first time i spelled it@_@ that makes me laugh inside... I just proved myself right ha) self wont get everything done on time simply because I don't want to do it enough.
i cursed twice in this hope i can read it when I'm in school lmao.

And the quote is: The end justifies the means BUT if the end isn't what you completely want then you should get @$$ kicked xD

Friday, December 19, 2008

Just LikeYou

You know I used to like you
And now I just fight you
But I guess I knew
Kuz I had other dudes
Just like you
And I just got another dude
Just like you
And I couldn't just like you
Kuz you just might use
My just like you
As your just right tool
So just like you
I might be a just right fool
Kuz I just might lose
My just right boo
Over ya just right move
So I just write to
escape being just like you